How to Stick to Your Diet During the Holidays

Let’s face it: dieting can be difficult at times, but it’s especially challenging during the holiday season. In the span of three months, there are a handful of major holidays, all of which are traditionally celebrated in part with delicious temptations. From Halloween candy to sugary pies and high-calorie buffets, there is literally unhealthy food lurking around every corner. If you’re not careful, it can be easy to put on more weight in these three months than you were able to lose in the previous six. Breaking your dieting routine now can also make it that much more challenging to get back into it once the season is over.

The good news is with a little planning, you can avoid these temptations. Here are four easy ways to stay on track with your diet between now and the New Year:

  1. Be Proactive with a Healthy Snack

    Holiday parties are infamous for being loaded with enticing food and beverages. If you plan to attend any company parties or family get-togethers, eat a healthy snack or meal before you go. This will help you feel satiated and allow you to avoid overindulging. If you’re worried about being hungry later, you can also bring along your favorite weight loss or protein bar to enjoy.
  2. Bring Your Own Portion Controlled Plate and Cup

    Large plates make it easy to pile on several portions of food – and many people feel inclined to finish it all. To avoid this, bring your own small or portion-control plate with you. You won’t be able to put on as much food, and it will help you be more aware of how much you’re eating. Bring a five-ounce cup as well, so you can limit yourself to a single high-calorie beverage. After that, stick to water for the rest of the night.
  3. Eat Mindfully

    Many of us are more at risk of unconscious eating during the holidays, when we’re rushing around and multitasking during meals. Unfortunately, unconscious eating often leads to overeating. You can prevent unconscious eating by being fully present during meals. Put down your phone or holiday to-do list and focus on eating. This allows you to have a better connection between your physiological state and your mental state. Being mindful can also help you eat less and make healthier meal choices.
  4. Find a Weight Loss Buddy

    Pairing up with someone who has similar weight loss goals as you can help you stay accountable – and make your diet more fun! Ask a friend, family member, or coworker if they would be willing to offer you support during the holidays. It’s important to choose a buddy with a positive mindset who can help you feel a sense of camaraderie about eating healthy. Cheer each other on and gently remind each other of your shared goals in times of temptation.

It may feel daunting to stick to your diet during the holidays, but it’s entirely possible! By following these simple tips, you can continue to make progress with your weight loss goals while still enjoying the season.